About Live Well Cottages in New Jersey

The Live Well Lifestyle

Embrace the Freedom of Living Well

Discover the charm and comfort of Live Well Cottages tucked away in close-knit, innovatively-designed pocket neighborhoods. Our cottages are more than just homes; they are intimate communities that foster connection, freedom, and choice.

Every detail of our cottages reflects a blend of style and convenience, from the elegant architecture of our homes to our list of thoughtfully planned amenities. Whether you’re looking for relaxed living or some help with day-to-day needs, we’re here to encourage a life well-lived.

Join us at Live Well Cottages—where every day feels like a vacation, neighbors become friends, and each moment is something to savor. Contact us today to begin your journey towards effortless living.

Communities Built on Independence

We believe that independence is paramount in fostering a vibrant and flourishing community. We understand that every resident is unique, each with their own preferences, needs, and pace of life. 

Our communities are designed to promote freedom, individuality, and choice, making them more than just places to live—they’re places where residents can truly express themselves, explore their passions, and feel empowered.

“Home to Home” Experiences

At Live Well Cottages, we believe in a seamless transition into retirement living. “Home to Home” experiences mean that residents can continue to live the lifestyle they have always enjoyed, now with the added support of Live Well. 

Here, you can bring your life as you know it and continue it in our comforting environment. Bring your furniture, pictures, and decorations, and make your new house a home.

Connection, Convenience, & Wellness

Our neighborhoods are designed to foster connection and convenience. 

We prioritize your wellness and strive to create a community where you can easily connect with others. Our convenient locations are always close to everything you need. Plus, our focus on wellness means you can access various health and fitness amenities right at your doorstep.

Our pocket neighborhoods are thoughtfully designed to provide a tranquil blend of privacy and community.

Each is meticulously crafted with a harmonious balance of secluded spaces and shared areas, creating an inviting atmosphere that embraces solitude and connection. This intentional design nurtures a profound sense of belonging and cultivates a serene community spirit.

Live Well Cottages offers comprehensive service packages to meet all your needs. These include:

  • Regular maintenance and repairs
  • Housekeeping services
  • Wellness programs
  • Access to community amenities

Visit our Home Care page to learn more.

Our support and care adapt to your needs as they change. We provide personalized care plans that evolve with your lifestyle, ensuring you always receive the right level of support.

Learn more about our approach on our Home Care page.

Our Commitment to Residents

We are committed to providing our residents with a safe, comfortable, and convenient experience. 

Here, you take the driver’s seat, where you choose how you want to spend each day. Our staff can support by answering questions, setting up services, and providing day-to-day conveniences based on your needs. 

We’re more than just a retirement community; we’re a family and here to support you every step of the way.

At Live Well Cottages, we firmly believe that your golden years should be spent doing what you love most. Whether it’s painting, gardening, writing, or even learning a new language, we encourage you to drive your own experience here.

We don’t just provide a place for retirement; at Live Well Cottages, we deliver an environment where dreams thrive on individuality.

Your safety is our top priority. That’s why we provide round-the-clock emergency care and support.

We have a registered nurse on-call to respond to emergencies, ensuring you receive immediate care when you need it most.

Live Well Cottages has modern security systems to ensure safety and peace of mind. Our community is monitored 24/7, and we have stringent protocols to protect our residents and their privacy.

We believe in proactive protection against diseases and illnesses.

Cottage style living naturally protects against any airborne illnesses by having non-congregate living arrangements, while our wellness programs promote overall health. Here, you can still enjoy the company of friends and family while adhering to health and safety protocols.

A Life of Ease & Wellness

From avoiding health risks to enjoying the company of friends and family, we help our residents live their life to the fullest without worries.

Join us and experience a retirement lifestyle that’s all about living well.

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