Live Well Cottages
in Vineland

A Fresh Perspective on Senior Living
Coming Fall 2024

Welcome to Live Well Cottages in Vineland. 

Nestled in the heart of Vineland, New Jersey, our residents have the freedom to enjoy the comfort of their own homes and independence while also enjoying a lifestyle that celebrates community and belonging. 

Continue to live your life as you’ve always done, now with the added peace of mind provided by Live Well Cottages.

Explore Our Community

We invite you to take a virtual tour of our community. This map will guide you through our beautifully designed cottages, shared spaces, and the lush greenery that surrounds our pocket neighborhood. 

Experience the Live Well Cottages way of life from the comfort of your home, and visualize the possibilities that await you here.

Embrace Independence, Wellness, & Vibrant Living

Live Well Cottages offers the quaint charm of rustic cottages where residents can relish the tranquility of their homes while being part of a vibrant, caring community.

Experience the joy of strolling along professionally maintained trails, sharing memorable moments in the clubhouse, and dedicating time to the hobbies that rejuvenate your spirit.

Welcome to Vineland

Vineland is more than a place; it is a vibrant community filled with delightful experiences for everyone.

Take in the sights at Giampietro Park, a paradise for those who cherish peaceful strolls or relish the simple joys of quiet reflection. If fresh produce brings a smile to your face, you will adore the local farmer’s market, where neighbors become friends, and delicious, locally-grown goodies are always at your fingertips.

Better yet, visit the Landis Theater, which hosts various shows ranging from plays; there’s always something to tickle your artistic fancy. 

Make today the day you choose to live well in Vineland.

Our Neighborhood Features

At Live Well Cottages, we’ve crafted a unique blend of design and personalization to deliver a new kind of senior living experience. With a variety of housing options, you have the freedom to choose the lifestyle that aligns with your needs and desires.

Our cottages boast modern amenities such as user-friendly kitchens, spacious living areas, and beautiful outdoor spaces and gardens.

Our residents have access to numerous shared outdoor spaces that encourage a sense of community and belonging.

Our innovative layout ensures each home’s open side faces the next home’s closed side, providing a perfect balance between community interaction and personal privacy.

Residents can focus on living their best life while we handle the maintenance. Our professional team ensures the community remains beautiful and inviting.

Yes, you read it right! Live Well Cottages even caters to the needs of your beloved pets. Some of our neighborhoods feature dog parks and pet-friendly walking trails.

Your home caregiver can even help by taking your pet for walks.

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