The Live Well Cottage Team

The Live Well Lifestyle

Senior Living Reimagined™ at Live Well Cottages

Get to know the heart and soul behind Live Well Cottages. 

Our team of industry leaders and experts go above and beyond to forge meaningful connections for residents and nurture an environment where warmth, camaraderie, freedom, and choice are at the heart of every experience. Our communities are infused with their dedication to help create a space that embodies everything that makes the Live Well Lifestyle something our residents cherish.

Come experience first-hand how we’ve managed to transform Senior Living Reimagined™ from a concept into an everyday reality. This is not just senior living—this is living well.

Meet the team or schedule a tour at one of our communities today.

Our “Why”

Our team is dedicated to creating connected and engaging communities where residents can thrive together. We carefully vet our staff to offer quality experiences for our community members, fostering a life of warmth and ease. 

Together, we believe in making a profound difference in the lives of those we serve, striving to create lasting memories and cherished moments for everyone involved.

Meet The Team


Andy Jubelt

Live Well Senior Cottages, LLC


Effie Zeyra

LWC Senior Homecare, LLC

We Are
Distinctive Living 

Distinctive Living™ is shaped by the know-how and expertise of Distinctive Healthcare™. We’re truly driven by the desire to create environments that enhance the quality of people’s lives—here and now!

Our exceptional team consists of professionals with backgrounds in business, finance, clinical, operations, new developments, and sales and marketing. Individually, team members have had operational, clinical, and marketing experience with some of the most highly recognized providers on the national stage, including Atria Senior Living, Milestone Retirement Communities, Five-Star, Senior Lifestyle Corporation, Sunrise Senior Living, Manor Care, and Beverly Enterprises.


Joseph Jedlowski, MBA, MHA

CEO, Distinctive Living

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